Exemplifying Rationality: Introduction

For your benefit, I present a condescending scale comprised of six levels of rationality:



Rationality simpliciter




What this scale shows is that rationality is what we might call a degreed property. For our lower-level readers, a degreed property is a property that can be had in degrees. It is important to note that this is a scale of condescension. The sole downward arrow beneath metarationality is intentional (as if a metarational acts sans metaintentionality). It serves two purposes. First, it is to prevent the confusion that ascension to metarationality is possible. It is not. But neither can a metarational descend to some inferior level. So don't be fooled by the sole downward arrow. Its second purpose is simply to remind the reader that the only relation that exists between a metarational and an inferior, should the metarational graciously choose to enter, is that of condescension. In my next six posts, I will describe each level of rationality so you can see which of the five levels below metarationality you fall into.

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